
Upcoming Events


If you want an event added to the calendar please contact mail:

Meetings and Nets       

Net Control Schedule

Aug 16 Chris KJ6DLF

Aug 23 Ken W7CCN

 Aug 30 Bev W7CCN

 Sept 6 Chris KJ6DLF

 Sept 13 Bev W7CCN

Club Meeting

The club meets monthly on the third Tuesday at 7pm in Yountville.  See the Meetings page for how to find us, agendas, and late-breaking announcements. 

We also have a weekly update and roll call by radio, every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM,  using VHF repeaters (W6BYS) that provide coverage over most of the County.  Visitors to the net are always welcome to listen and check in.  Find us at 146.82 MHz (PL 100) on Sugarloaf near Napa (south), or at another W6BYS repeater 146.82 MHz (PL 151.4) on Mt St Helena (north).  There is more information, with notices of any changes, on the Repeaters page. 

Please contact us with any questions or suggestions.  Use our Contact Us page to send an email to one of our officers. (If you are having any difficulty with the Contact Us page, you may send a private email to 

Weekly Net Roll Call Script July 22, 2024