SARS Bylaws

Mission Statement

Napa Silverado Amateur Radio Society is dedicated to delivering emergency communication in times of need. Volunteers dedicate their personal resources to deliver communication in times of natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires and severe weather. These volunteers use various modes of off-grid communication to help first responders and the community at large when commercial alternatives (power, internet, cell phone towers) malfunction.

Napa Silverado Amateur Radio Society is focused on the safety and quality of life of community members.

Vision Statement

To help Napa County residents find safety in times of crisis, keeping Napa County a desired place to live, work, play and grow.

Value Statements

We are responsible, accountable, respectful, effective, efficient public servants

We promote honesty, integrity and openness in all we do

We encourage innovation to meet challenges

We foster an environment of collaboration

Napa SARS Constitution and Bylaws

Silverado Amateur Radio Society




The name of this organization shall be known as the “Silverado Amateur Radio Society” also known as S.A.R.S., here after referred to as “Society”.


The principal place of business of this organization shall be as designated by the President of the Society.


The purpose of this Society shall be to provide an organization in which local Amateur Radio Operators may meet and exchange ideas and information of common interest, to promote radio knowledge and individual operating efficiency, to conduct Society programs and activities to advance to general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community and to provide non-commercial coordinated communications services and/or assistance to local groups and functions for public service events, and to train and maintain a pool of Amateur Radio Operators to provide communication services during time of natural disasters of emergencies for the benefit of the community.


All persons interested in Amateur Radio communication shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application upon such terms as the Society shall provide in the By-Laws.


The Society shall have the following officers: President, Vice President and Secretary and Treasurer. The election, terms, vacancies and removal of said officers are set forth in the By-Laws.

The duties of the officers shall be in accordance with the By-Laws.


The Society shall have the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasusrer.


The officers of the Society shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society and shall serve a one year term. Nominees for each office shall be present to the membership at the regular meeting preceding the annual meeting and nominations shall also be accepted from the floor at that time. All nominees will be listed on a ballot by office and voted on by the membership at the annual meeting. The individual receiving a majority of the votes for the membership present shall be deemed elected. In the event that no one receives a majority of the votes, the two persons receiving the greatest number of votes will be placed on a ballot and the one receiving the majority shall be deemed elected.


Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special election at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal, resignation, removal or death.

In the event a special election is required to fill a vacant position, nominations shall be taken from the floor and the nominees shall be presented to the membership present for a vote. The individual receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be deemed elected and shall serve the remaining term of the person they were elected to replace.


Officers may be removed from office for cause by a three-fourths vote of the membership.



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and conduct them according to the rules adopted by the Society. The President shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and the By-Laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents adopted by the Society, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of the president.


The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence. In addition the Vice President shall organize Society activities and plan and organize programs and activities to promote interest in the Society. The Vice President shall maintain close liaison with the local Emergency Coordinator to further Society participation in the emergency amateur radio service.


The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

A. Keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings.

B. Keep a roll of members and submit membership applications.

C. Carry on all correspondence and read communications at each minutes.

D. Notify members of meetings.

E. Receive and receipt for all monies paid to the Society.

F. Keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended, and all Society Owned property.

G. G. Upon authorization, pay all bills of the Society and submit a monthly statement of receipts and disbursements.


The ANNUAL MEETING of the Society shall be held on the SECOND Tuesday of June of each year.

Regular meetings shall be held on the Third Tuesday of each calendar month. The time and place of each monthly meeting shall be selected by the President and the information given to the Secretary no later than the first of each month. The Secretary shall give notice to each member so that they receive said notice of the regular or annual meeting no later than 5 calendar days prior to the meeting.

Special meetings may be called by the President upon written request of any five Society members. Notice shall be given to all members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted and only such business shall be transacted. Such notices shall be given so that it is received no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of the special meeting.

A QUORUM of the membership must be present at a regular or special meeting before any official action may be taken. A quorum shall be constituted by the presence of at least one officer and a minimum of eleven (11) other members in good standing except at the annual meeting where at least two officers and a minimum of fifteen (15) other members in good standing must be present.


The Society may levy annual dues and assessments as it deems necessary for the operation of the business of the organization. The annual dues fee of $25 per regular member and $37.50 per family. These membership dues are payable no later than at the time of the annual meeting in June each year. For purposes of clarification, dues go from June to June.

A member is deemed to be in good standing when all dues and assessments have been paid. Only members in good standing may exercise the privileges of membership. Non-payment of dues or assessments will result in the suspension of membership rights as defined in the Society By-Laws, Article III.


The President may appoint such committees as may be deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Society including the following:

A. Publicity committee to promote the Society and amateur radio communications.

B. Technical committee to exchange technical knowledge and information.

C. Emergency Service committee to act as liaison between the Society and official emergency service organizations.

D. Any other committee that may benefit the membership in general.


This Constitution and/or the By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the TOTAL PAID membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided ALL members have been notified in writing of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting. Individual ways that the members may vote shall be determined by the officers of the Society.

It shall be the duty of the Vice President to keep the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Society and to have same at every meeting. The Vice President shall note all amendments changes and addition to the Constitution and the By-Laws and shall permit them to be consulted by members upon request.

Silverado Amateur Radio Society



The name of this organization shall be known as the “Silverado Amateur Radio Society” also known as S.A.R.S. here after referred to as “Society”.


The purpose of this Society shall be to provide an organization in which local Amateur Radio Operators may meet and exchange ideas and information of common interest, to promote radio knowledge and individual operating efficiency, to conduct Society programs and activities to advance to general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community and to provide non-commercial coordinated communications services and/or assistance to local groups and functions for public service events, and to train and maintain a pool of Amateur Radio Operators to provide communications services during times of natural disasters of emergencies for the benefit of the community.


There shall be three classifications of membership in the Society.

A. REGULAR MEMBER – A regular membership shall be open to any licensed Amateur Radio Operator with any class license, who has paid current membership dues.

B. FAMILY MEMBER – A family membership shall be open to the licensed spouse of a regular member, licensed dependents residing at the same address or licensed dependent students who may be residing at another address, who has paid current membership dues.

C. ASSOCIATE MEMBER – An associate membership shall be open to any person actively engaged in obtaining an amateur radio license and to all persons interested in amateur radio, who has paid current membership dues.

D. HONORARY MEMBER – Honorary membership may be voted in by a quorum vote. A request must be made in writing at a regularly scheduled meeting and be submitted by a member in good standing and a vote will take place at the next regular meeting.

Regular and Family members are entitled to all privileges of the Society as well as the right to vote for club officers and any other Society business to be voted on.

Regular and Family members are also entitled to hold office of President or Vice President, regardless of age. The office of Treasurer or Secretary shall be held by a regular paid member over the age of 18.

Associate members are entitled to all privileges of the Society except for a right to hold office and vote for Society Officers. Any associate member, who, during the course of membership, obtains an amateur radio license, shall automatically, upon presentation of verification of having obtained said license, become a regular member in good standing.


The Society shall have the following officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.


The officers of the Society shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society and shall serve a one-year term. Nominees for each office shall be presented to the membership at the regular meeting preceding the annual meeting and nominations shall also be accepted from the floor at the time. All nominees will be listed on a ballot by office and voted on by the membership at the annual meeting. The individual receiving a majority of the votes for the membership present shall be deemed elected. In the event that no one receives a majority of the votes, the two persons receiving the greatest number of votes will be placed on a ballot and the one receiving the majority shall be deemed elected.


Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special election at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal, resignation, removal or death.

In the event a special election is required to fill a vacant position, nominations shall be taken from the floor and the nominees shall be presented to the membership present for a vote. The individual receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be deemed elected and shall serve the remaining term of the person they were elected to replace.


Officers may be removed from office for cause by a three-fourths vote of the membership.



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and conduct them according to the By-Laws. The President shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and the By-Laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents adopted by the Society, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office the President.


The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence. In addition, the Vice President shall plan and organize programs and activities to promote interest in the Society. The Vice President shall maintain close liaison with the local Emergency Coordinator to further Society participation in the emergency amateur radio service


The Treasurer shall:

A. Receive and receipt for all monies paid to the Society.

B. Keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended and all Society owned property.

C. Upon authorization, pay all bills of the Society and submit a monthly statement of receipts and disbursements.


The Secretary shall:

A. Keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings.

B. Keep a roll of members and submit membership applications.

C. Carry on all correspondence and read communications at each meeting.

D. Notify members of meetings.


THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Society shall be held on the SECOND Tuesday of June of each year.

Regular meeting shall be held on the Third Tuesday of each calendar month. The time and place of each monthly meeting shall be selected by the President and the information given to the Secretary no later than the first of each month. Notice shall be posted on the Society web page no later than 5 calendar days prior to the meeting.

Special meeting may be called by the President upon written request of any five Society members. Notice shall be given to all members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted and only such business shall be transacted. Such notices shall be given so that it is received no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of the special meeting.

A QUORUM of the membership must be present at a regular or special meeting before any official action may be taken. A quorum shall be constituted by the presence of at least one officer and a minimum of eleven (11) other members in good standing except at the annual meeting where at least two officers and a minimum of fifteen (15) other members in good standing must be present.


The Society may levy annual dues upon the general membership as shall be deemed necessary for the operation of the business of the organization. The annual dues shall be $25,00 per regular member and $37.50 per family. These membership dues are payable no later than at the time of the annual meeting in June of each year.

A member is deemed to be in good standing when all dues and assessments have been paid. Only members in good standing may exercise the privileges of membership. Non-payment of dues or assessments will result in the suspension of membership rights as defined in the Society By-Laws, Article III. Expulsion shall be at the discretion of the majority of those members in good standing present at any meeting. Failure to pay annual dues upon written request will result in expulsion within 30 days of the date specified for payment in these By-Laws.


The President may appoint such committees he deems necessary to conduct the business of the Society. This includes but is not limited to:

A. A publicity committee to promote the Society and amateur radio communications.

B. An emergency service committee to act as liaison between the Society and official emergency services organizations.

C. A technical committee to manage the Society repeater system and related facilities. This committee shall be headed by the License Trustee for W6CO. Trustee shall appoint as many members to assist him/her in his/her duties as required. The Trustee, as well as the members of the committee shall serve at the pleasure of the membership and may be replaced at any time upon a directive from the Society membership. Such a directive becomes effective upon a majority vote of those members of the Society attending a duly call meeting.


The official call sign of the Society of W6CO. This call sign is assigned to the Silverado Amateur Radio Society and is maintained by a member in good standing known as the Trustee.


The call sign Trustee shall be a member in good standing and hold a valid Extra Class Amateur License. The Trustee and no other shall be responsible for and have authority over any and all club stations operating under the W6CO call sign. Club stations are defined as any radio transmitter operated under the W6CO call sign. This includes but it not limited to Field Day stations and repeater or remote base stations.


Repeater maintenance funds shall be provided from the general fund of the Society. Reimbursable expenses are power bills and miscellaneous equipment as requested by the Trustee. Payment of non-routine bills shall be voted on by the membership at regular meeting.


This Constitution and/or By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the TOTAL paid membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided ALL members have been notified in writing of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting. Individual ways that the members may vote shall be determined by the officers of the Society.

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Society and to have them at every meeting. The Vice President shall note all amendment changes and additions to the Constitution and the By-Laws and shall permit them to be consulted by members upon request.